Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dick Higgins & Intermedia

I bet you didn't know that, arguably, the best collection of material by and about Dick Higgins is up the road at UMBC

Alison Knowles and Dick Higgins started Something Else Press in 1963. Here's a video of Higgins talking about the press and some of its books. Tom Beck is the curator of the collection at UMBC, and he's always happy to welcome Corcoran students. Rereading his 1966 "Statement on Intermedia" is eye-opening for a number of reasons. First off, it's 50 years old. The internet as we know it today was inconceivable, yet Higgins' text seems a prophecy of sorts, one that is yet to be fulfilled. 

Here is a link to the Dick Higgins page on Read the obituary notices from his friends and colleagues. Scroll to the bottom and listen/read the links found there. This is your homework for next week. Do it. Poppopquiz?

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