Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fake Giant Pencil

This little punk thinks his pencil is giant. Well, it's not. It's a mere 68 inches in length. That's right: 5' 8". In what world is this a giant size? What were the product designers and engineers thinking? I know that I should let it go, but I just hate this fake "giant" pencil, pretending to be truly giant. Check out the specs:

This pencil is, essentially, an impostor. It weighs only 5 pounds? 
Please read my negative Amazon review here: Fake Giant Pencil.
It's the only review, and it probably won't stay up for long. Meanwhile, the world cries out for a true and genuine giant pencil. Such a pencil needs to be considerably heavier, and longer by approximately two feet. Carried on a human back it should be a burden, not a feather.

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