Thursday, January 21, 2016

Here Comes the Blizzard...

For next week's class spend time perusing/reading/studying some of the artists and art movements that have directly (or indirectly) used strategies for using language in  non-traditional ways as an art medium. Just as painters use pigments, so do language-artists (i.e. poets) use letters, sounds, and words. 

Choose from the menu at ubuweb/historical three (3) different artists or art movements that you find interesting or compelling. Be prepared to discuss your choices in class on January 28. Why do you find them interesting/compelling? Be as specific as you can. One word of frustration, sometimes the pages at ubu can take a long time to load. Be patient. 

For the following week, February 4, prepare an essay (5-7 double-spaced pages) that takes a closer look. You will probably need to do a little bit of light research (use MLA or Chicago or APA citation method), but the bulk of your essay should be your close reading of their actual art/language work.

Questions, as always:

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